Basic request example to create a new transaction and present it on iFrame.
"timeOut": 600,
"amount": 200,
"isCent": true,
"currency": "USD",
"apiKey": "2ooeww5ufzg3nkuf8a10gu5n695yolixlbgb042o038o58jv1rznif3o1tr6xsb1rm",
"returnURL": "",
"cancelURL": "",
"callbackURL": "",
"products": [
"name": "Shirt",
"quantity": 1,
"amount": 190,
"discount": 0,
"vat": 0
"name": "Service Fee",
"quantity": 1,
"amount": 10,
"discount": 0,
"vat": 0
"posData": {
"customerName": "John",
"orderId": "6759082413",
Response body:
"TransactionNumber": "5f3275249792ee75b41322e636617ee039e2e1a49cc80c11f2177233",
"date": "2022-08-14T10:09:05.810Z",
"amount": "2",
"currency": "USD",
"status": 0,
"statusName": "Initialize",
"timeoutDate": "2022-08-14T10:19:05.872Z",
"paymentCommit": {
"messsage": "Payment commit is enabled for this transaction"
"businessId": "339978940107456",
"businessName": "Coffee Bar",
"pos": "POS 1",
"businessOwnerPhone": "3587292",
"businessCountry": "US",
"businessCity": "Virginia Beach",
"businessStreet": "123 Street",
"businessAddress": "123 Street, Virginia Beach",
"branchNumber": "1",
"branchId": "1",
"transactionPage": {
"iOSLink": "",
"androidLink": "",
"qrURL": "",
"consumerPage": {
"regular": "",
"medium": "",
"small": ""
"paymentDetails": {
"type": "Tokenize"
Displaying the iFrame to the consumer - Multiple Sizes
See the URL of the iFrame in transactionPage.consumerPage.
You can choose to display the cosumer two different sizes:
1. Regular display (transactionPage.consumerPage.regular) for full size view, see example:
2. Medium display (transactionPage.consumerPage.medium) for medium view without the QR, see example:
3. Small display (transactionPage.consumerPage.small) for smaller view without the QR and without the header, see example:
Notifications about transaction changes
There are multiple options to get notifications about the transaction status changes:
Post message event on the client side
Adding callback URL using "callbackURL" field to request body enables you to get POST request from SensePass on any transaction update events.
See full information about callbacks logic here: Callback
Implement Socket.IO client on your platform and listen to this URL:
Production -<TransactionNumber-From-Response-Body>
Sandbox -<TransactionNumber-From-Response-Body>
Listen to "message" event to get notifcations about the transaction.
Post Message
Post messsge events are sent to client side using the browser API.
Code example:
const childWindow = document.getElementById('sensepass-iframe').contentWindow;
window.addEventListener('message', message => {
// Handle message
Transaction Events Interface
All of the notifications are conforms to Transaction Entity interface.
See the full interface model here: Transaction Entity
Notification Example:
"TransactionNumber": "14a4334a32c852aeb0cfae52cbff1314649da7f175a8e140b35c147c",
"date": "2019-12-19T09:47:59.105Z",
"amount": 1234.56,
"currency": "USD",
"status": 0,
"statusName": "Transaction Approved",
"pos": "POS 3, Branch Tel Aviv",
"posReceiptsEndpoint": "",
"posData": {
"foo": "bar",
"hello": [
"businessName": "Coffee Bar",
"businessId": 144,
"timeoutDate": "2019-12-19T09:47:59.105Z",
"paymentMethodData": {
"PaymentType": "Bit",
"directAppLinks": {
"iOSLink": "paymentsBIT://",
"androidLink": "intent://;scheme=bit;package=com.bnhp.payments.paymentsapp;end",
"qrURL": ""
"SMS": "Sent",
"paymentCommit": {
"messsage": "Payment commit is enabled for this transaction",
"isPaymentCommitted": false,
"secondsToCommit": 60,
"commitLink": ""
"products": [
"name": "Coffee",
"quantity": 2,
"amount": 100,
"discount": 0,
"posIdentifier": "1234A"
"name": "Beer",
"quantity": 1,
"amount": 600,
"discount": 0,
"posIdentifier": "1234B"
"confirmations": [
"paymentType": "Regular",
"confirmationNumber": "063-d9j09YsY1",
"fullConfirmationCode": "063-d9j09YsY1",
"dateApproval": "2019-12-19T09:47:59.105Z",
"installments": 1,
"paymentMethodName": "PayPal",
"approvedBy": "PayPal",
"providerId": "uGfNuwEGiP18SUnTUEo1/atTdesDnhDhZ/8i7G9NAEg=",
"requestID": "a4dbf66e-d3f1-4a29-baf7-2591424a9a0c",
"authNumber": "123213dsf13111",
"referenceNumber": "1778298289",
"acquirer": "Visa",
"voucher": "yyyAbnlmlfm1323",
"lastFourDigits": "8858",
"sensePassReferenceId": "34e209ea8b24cc831cf"
"confirmation": {
"paymentType": "Regular",
"confirmationNumber": "063-d9j09YsY1",
"fullConfirmationCode": "063-d9j09YsY1",
"dateApproval": "2019-12-19T09:47:59.105Z",
"installments": 1,
"paymentMethodName": "PayPal",
"approvedBy": "PayPal",
"providerId": "uGfNuwEGiP18SUnTUEo1/atTdesDnhDhZ/8i7G9NAEg=",
"requestID": "a4dbf66e-d3f1-4a29-baf7-2591424a9a0c",
"authNumber": "123213dsf13111",
"referenceNumber": "1778298289",
"acquirer": "Visa",
"voucher": "yyyAbnlmlfm1323",
"lastFourDigits": "8858",
"sensePassReferenceId": "34e209ea8b24cc831cf"
"transactionPage": {
"iOSLink": "",
"androidLink": "",
"qrURL": ""
"balance": 0