"creditCard": {
"animation": "expand" | "one-line" | "none",
"customText": {
"direction": "rtl" | "ltr",
"fields": {
"cardNumber": {
"label": "Card Number",
"placeholder": "Credit Card",
"hint": "Digits",
"defaultHint": "Full Card Number",
"errors": {
"required": "Card Number is Mandatory",
"cardTypeLength": {
"minLengthStart": "Must be Over",
"minLengthEnd": "Digits",
"maxLengthStart": "Must be Under",
"maxLengthEnd": "Digits",
"lengthsStart": "Must be:",
"lengthsSplit": "or",
"lengthsEnd": "Digits"
"expiration": {
"label": "Expiration",
"placeholder": "Month / Year",
"hint": "MM/YY",
"errors": {
"required": "Expiration Date is Mandatory",
"cardExpiration": {
"invalidDateFormat": "Date Invalid, Should Be MM/YY",
"monthRange": "Month Should Be Between 1 - 12",
"yearExpiration": "The Year You've Set Expired",
"monthExpiration": "The Month You've Set Expired This Year"
"securityCode": {
"label": "CVV",
"placeholder": "CVV/CVC",
"hint": {
"amex": "digits, front of the card",
"default": "digits, back of the card"
"defaultHint": "Security Code",
"errors": {
"required": "CVC is Mandatory",
"securityCodeLength": {
"lengthShouldBe": "must be",
"digits": "digits"
"socialID": {
"label": "Document ID",
"placeholder": "Document ID",
"hint": "Document ID",
"errors": {
"required": "Document ID is Mandatory",
"minlength": "5 Digits Minimum",
"maxlength": "20 Digits Maximum"
"zipCode": {
"label": "Zip Code",
"placeholder": "Zip Code",
"hint": "address associated to your card",
"errors": {
"required": "Zip Code is Mandatory",
"minlength": "0 Digits Minimum",
"maxlength": "9 Digits Maximum"
"email": {
"label": "Email",
"placeholder": "John@domain.com",
"hint": "Email",
"errors": {
"required": "Email is Mandatory",
"minlength": "5 Characters Minimum",
"maxlength": "50 Characters Maximum"
"mobilePhone": {
"label": "Mobile Phone",
"placeholder": "000-000-0000",
"hint": "Mobile Phone",
"errors": {
"required": "Mobile Phone is Mandatory",
"minlength": "6 Digits Minimum",
"maxlength": "15 Digits Maximum"
"installments": "Installments",
"fullName": {
"label": "Full Name",
"placeholder": "Full Name",
"hint": "First & Last names",
"errors": {
"required": "Full Name is Mandatory",
"pattern": "Full Name must ONLY be letters",
"minlength": "4 Characters Minimum",
"maxlength": "50 Characters Maximum"
"saveCard": {
"label": "Save this card"