SDK Theme Config Model

customize payment method's texts and other UI parameters

This model represents all the required data for displaying data on the SensePass Dashboard backoffice.

You must use this structure:

  "creditCard": {
    "animation": "expand" | "one-line" | "none",
    "customText": {
      "direction": "rtl" | "ltr",
      "fields": {
        "cardNumber": {
          "label": "Card Number",
          "placeholder": "Credit Card",
          "hint": "Digits",
          "defaultHint": "Full Card Number",
          "errors": {
            "required": "Card Number is Mandatory",
            "cardTypeLength": {
              "minLengthStart": "Must be Over",
              "minLengthEnd": "Digits",
              "maxLengthStart": "Must be Under",
              "maxLengthEnd": "Digits",
              "lengthsStart": "Must be:",
              "lengthsSplit": "or",
              "lengthsEnd": "Digits"
        "expiration": {
          "label": "Expiration",
          "placeholder": "Month / Year",
          "hint": "MM/YY",
          "errors": {
            "required": "Expiration Date is Mandatory",
            "cardExpiration": {
              "invalidDateFormat": "Date Invalid, Should Be MM/YY",
              "monthRange": "Month Should Be Between 1 - 12",
              "yearExpiration": "The Year You've Set Expired",
              "monthExpiration": "The Month You've Set Expired This Year"
        "securityCode": {
          "label": "CVV",
          "placeholder": "CVV/CVC",
          "hint": {
            "amex": "digits, front of the card",
            "default": "digits, back of the card"
          "defaultHint": "Security Code",
          "errors": {
            "required": "CVC is Mandatory",
            "securityCodeLength": {
              "lengthShouldBe": "must be",
              "digits": "digits"
        "socialID": {
          "label": "Document ID",
          "placeholder": "Document ID",
          "hint": "Document ID",
          "errors": {
            "required": "Document ID is Mandatory",
            "minlength": "5 Digits Minimum",
            "maxlength": "20 Digits Maximum"
        "zipCode": {
          "label": "Zip Code",
          "placeholder": "Zip Code",
          "hint": "address associated to your card",
          "errors": {
            "required": "Zip Code is Mandatory",
            "minlength": "0 Digits Minimum",
            "maxlength": "9 Digits Maximum"
        "email": {
          "label": "Email",
          "placeholder": "",
          "hint": "Email",
          "errors": {
            "required": "Email is Mandatory",
            "minlength": "5 Characters Minimum",
            "maxlength": "50 Characters Maximum"
        "mobilePhone": {
          "label": "Mobile Phone",
          "placeholder": "000-000-0000",
          "hint": "Mobile Phone",
          "errors": {
            "required": "Mobile Phone is Mandatory",
            "minlength": "6 Digits Minimum",
            "maxlength": "15 Digits Maximum"
        "installments": "Installments",
        "fullName": {
          "label": "Full Name",
          "placeholder": "Full Name",
          "hint": "First & Last names",
          "errors": {
            "required": "Full Name is Mandatory",
            "pattern": "Full Name must ONLY be letters",
            "minlength": "4 Characters Minimum",
            "maxlength": "50 Characters Maximum"
        "saveCard": {
          "label": "Save this card"

Description of the parameters required for various payment options configurations.

Last updated