Refund a transaction

API to refund payments of approved transaction or partial refund transaction with available balance to refund.

This endpoint automaticlly detects if void or refund operation is required.

API Interface

Refund approved transaction object


Request Body

errorCode = 0 indicating successful refund operation.

On error see "errorMessage" field which describes the error cause.

  "errorMessage": null,
  "errorCode": 0,
  "refundConfirmation": "063-LlgKAzfRL",
  "approvedBy": "PayPal",
  "refundBy": "PayPal",
  "dateApproval": "2019-12-19T09:47:59.105Z",
  "result": "Approved",
  "providerId": "z+n1opZ+RFn50fstklvWoOsovKIY5AUfsrVdGsO653c=",
  "transaction": {
    "TransactionNumber": "14a4334a32c852aeb0cfae52cbff1314649da7f175a8e140b35c147c",
    "date": "2019-12-19T09:47:59.105Z",
    "amount": 1234.56,
    "currency": "ILS",
    "status": 0,
    "businessId": 144


Basic request example to refund a new transaction using Device ID:

  "transactionNumber": "14a4334a32c852aeb0cfae52cbff1314649da7f175a8e140b35c147c",
  "deviceId": "2ooeww5ufzg3nkuf8a10gu5n695yolixlbgb042o03to9bxfkr7t815i5epu8o58jv1rznif3o1tr6xsb1rm"

Basic request example to refund a new transaction using Location API Key or Merchant API key:

  "transactionNumber": "14a4334a32c852aeb0cfae52cbff1314649da7f175a8e140b35c147c",
  "apiKey": "2ooeww5ufzg3nkuf8a10gu5n695yolixlbgb042o038o58jv1rznif3o1tr6xsb1rm"

Flow Chart

See our payment flow chart here

Transaction Status Flow

See our transaction status flow here

Last updated