The interaces are identical to our exisitng REST interfaces.


API URL: https://api.sensepass.com/api-xml/

Example for Creating a new transaciton

URL: https://api.sandbox.sensepass.com/api-xml/transactions/init

Method: POST

Request Body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Response Body

        <messsage>Payment commit is enabled for this transaction</messsage>
    <pos>POS 1</pos>
            <description>Consumer Payment Page</description>
                <description>Credit Card iFrame for consumer payment</description>
                <description>Payment Page for associate payment - The Payment details will not be saved</description>
                <description>POS iFrame for merchants</description>

Example for Fetching Transaction Status

URL: https://api.sandbox.sensepass.com/api-xml/transactions/2214cd9462fc815935f43e4379d9e90179f92ec60cd589267a104eb2

Method: GET

Request Body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Response Body

    <pos>POS 1</pos>

Last updated