Transaction API
SensePass Transaction API allows developers to create payment requests and proccess payments using SensePass network.
SensePass API organized around REST, accepts JSON request body and JSON response.
Our API also supports SOAP and XML.
Payment Methods
SensePass network supports multiple payment methods, including credit cards, Venmo, PayPal, Alipay, Klarna, WeChat Pay, Trustly, Coinbase, BitPay.
See our full payment methods list here
SensePass provides a fully functioning sandbox environment for development and testing, payments in the sandbox enviorement doesn't affect your live data or proccess money.
Socket.IO URL:
Multiple authentication options are available, based on your use case:
Authentication fields: deviceId
Only one field is required for authentication - deviceId, this field represents the unique identifier of the POS in SensePass network.
Device ID can be generated using the "match" API (Pairing) or using SensePass Partner platform.
Authentication fields: merchant apiKey Or Location apiKey
apiKey can be associated to a merchant or to a location in specific merchant.
Merchant API key requires branchId field to be provided, Location API key does not requires branchId field.
Last updated
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