The frontend uses client ID that does not have permissions to payment except for initalizing the SDK
The backend uses device ID / Merchant API Key / Branch API key for calling the commit API
Using the JS API
Step 1 - Configuration
Create a global variable in your front-end website called SensePassFrontEndSDK.
Set the following configuration for the sandbox or production environment:
constspClient=SensePassFrontEndSDK.config({ mode:"sandbox",// "sandbox" | "production" debug:true,// optional for logs visualizer:true,// optional visual logs, requires HTML with id="sensepass-front-end-visualizer" clientId:"aee8d2cdc1cb...",// Client ID methodType:"manual_capture",// type for the transaction, defaults to "manual_capture", enum: "manual_capture" | "tokenize" | "authorize"});
Create an HTML element with the id sensepass-front-end.
Step 2 - Initiate the iFrame element
Initiate the iframe with the init method:
You can also handle the SDK client from the global variable, e.g. SensePassFrontEndSDK.init()
There is an optional argument for the spClient.init(iframeContainerEl) to let you set the iframe's container-element directly.
This is a replacement option for the element by id search for the sensepass-front-end value.
Step 3 - Style the frame dimensions (optional)
Use the method frameDimensions to get the iframe's width & height value (in pixels).
Assuming you have an element <div id="sensepass-front-end"></div> you may get its iFrame (as its first child element) and apply the following callback's dimensions:
Using the above example, you may hook on to the following callbacks aswell:
constcallback= payload =>console.log(payload);sensepass.paymentSelected(callback); // get event for the payment method's selectionsensepass.paying(callback); // get event for the payment method in its paying-processsensepass.paymentMethodValidationStatus(callback); // if a payment method has a validatable state, always updates you on it.sensepass.error(callback); // get various error messages for the payment attempts, transaction status and more...
Step 5 - Pay button event
Use the pay method to let the payment method trigger its payment request:; // get a JSON of the transaction's final state
Pay button event - For manual capture transaction type - see our docs here