Authorization is a process of placing a hold on the available credit of the consumer for the requested amount, no settlement will be created.
This process is useful for reserving funds from the consumer, after a successful authorization you will get token in order to create payment transaction based on the funds reserved.
The funds will be reserved until a payment will be made or void will be called to release the funds.
Create an Authorization
Call "transactions/init" in order to create an authorization request and add the "methodType" field with "authorize".
The amount field can be sent blank for future authorization transaction, the amount will be sent later using "authorize" API
{"TransactionNumber":"5f3275249792ee75b41322e636617ee039e2e1a49cc80c11f2177233","date":"2022-08-14T10:09:05.810Z","amount":"2","currency":"USD","status":0,"statusName":"Initialize","timeoutDate":"2022-08-14T10:19:05.872Z","paymentCommit": {"messsage":"Payment commit is enabled for this transaction" },"businessId":"339978940107456","businessName":"Coffee Bar","pos":"POS 1","businessOwnerPhone":"3587292","businessCountry":"US","businessCity":"Virginia Beach","businessStreet":"123 Street","businessAddress":"123 Street, Virginia Beach","branchNumber":"1","branchId":"1","transactionPage": {"iOSLink":"","androidLink":"","qrURL":"" },"paymentDetails": {"type":"Authorize" }}
The consumer tap the sticker, or get the payment link through e-mail or SMS, and choose a payment method.
Authorization Token
The consumer choose the payment method as usual and after a successful authorization you will get an update regarding this transaction by websocket, callback and transaction status API.
The token field in "paymentDetails" object is the authorization token.
Now that we have our authorization token you can make a capture will the full authorization amount, or capture smaller amount than the authorization amount multiple times, or you can void the authorization.
Capture using Token
Capturing can be made with the full authorization amount once, or with smaller amount multiple times until you reach the authorization amount.
The "token" field represents authorization token from the previous section, or token from Tokenization API.
Re-Authorization enables you to place an hold on the available credit of the consumer for the requested amount again, using the same token of the original authorization.