Payment request with callback

Simple request example to create new transaction with callback URL data.

Adding callback URL to request body enables you to get POST request from SensePass on any transaction update events.

In event of communication error from SensePass to your server - SensePass will retry multiple times to call your server will the callback URL over a period of days.

Make sure the URL provided in "callbackURL" is fully accessible from the internet and does not contain local IP or private DNS.

SensePass IP's are dynamic - Limiting your endpoint to specific IP address is not possible.

URL: /transactions/init

Request Body:

  "timeOut": 600,
  "amount": 200,
  "isCent": true,
  "currency": "USD",
  "deviceId": "2ooeww5ufzg3nkuf8a10gu5n695yolixlbgb042o03to9bxfkr7t815i5epu8o58jv1rznif3o1tr6xsb1rm",
  "callbackURL": ""

Creating a new transaction object (Payment Request)

POST /transactions/init

This API creates new payment request based on the fields below.

Request Body

  "TransactionNumber": "14a4334a32c852aeb0cfae52cbff1314649da7f175a8e140b35c147c",
  "date": "2019-12-19T09:47:59.105Z",
  "amount": "1234.56",
  "currency": "USD",
  "status": 0,
  "statusName": "Transaction Approved",
  "pos": "POS 3, Branch Tel Aviv",
  "posReceiptsEndpoint": "",
  "posData": {
    "foo": "bar",
    "hello": [
  "businessName": "Coffee Bar",
  "businessId": 144,
  "timeoutDate": "2019-12-19T09:47:59.105Z",
  "paymentMethodData": {
    "PaymentType": "Bit",
    "directAppLinks": {
      "iOSLink": "paymentsBIT://",
      "androidLink": "intent://;scheme=bit;package=com.bnhp.payments.paymentsapp;end",
      "qrURL": ""
  "SMS": "Sent",
  "paymentCommit": {
    "messsage": "Payment commit is enabled for this transaction",
    "isPaymentCommitted": false,
    "secondsToCommit": 60,
    "commitLink": ""
  "products": [
      "name": "Coffee",
      "quantity": 2,
      "amount": 100,
      "discount": 0,
      "posIdentifier": "1234A"
      "name": "Beer",
      "quantity": 1,
      "amount": 600,
      "discount": 0,
      "posIdentifier": "1234B"
  "productSumMismatch": true,
  "confirmations": [
      "paymentType": "Regular",
      "confirmationNumber": "063-d9j09YsY1",
      "fullConfirmationCode": "063-d9j09YsY1",
      "dateApproval": "2019-12-19T09:47:59.105Z",
      "installments": 1,
      "paymentMethodName": "PayPal",
      "approvedBy": "PayPal",
      "providerId": "uGfNuwEGiP18SUnTUEo1/atTdesDnhDhZ/8i7G9NAEg=",
      "requestID": "a4dbf66e-d3f1-4a29-baf7-2591424a9a0c",
      "authNumber": "123213dsf13111",
      "referenceNumber": "1778298289",
      "acquirer": "Visa",
      "voucher": "yyyAbnlmlfm1323",
      "lastFourDigits": "8858",
      "sensePassReferenceId": "34e209ea8b24cc831cf"
  "confirmation": {
    "paymentType": "Regular",
    "confirmationNumber": "063-d9j09YsY1",
    "fullConfirmationCode": "063-d9j09YsY1",
    "dateApproval": "2019-12-19T09:47:59.105Z",
    "installments": 1,
    "paymentMethodName": "PayPal",
    "approvedBy": "PayPal",
    "providerId": "uGfNuwEGiP18SUnTUEo1/atTdesDnhDhZ/8i7G9NAEg=",
    "requestID": "a4dbf66e-d3f1-4a29-baf7-2591424a9a0c",
    "authNumber": "123213dsf13111",
    "referenceNumber": "1778298289",
    "acquirer": "Visa",
    "voucher": "yyyAbnlmlfm1323",
    "lastFourDigits": "8858",
    "sensePassReferenceId": "34e209ea8b24cc831cf"
  "transactionPage": {
    "iOSLink": "",
    "androidLink": "",
    "qrURL": ""
  "balance": 0

Security - HMAC Signature

HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) signature authentication for callbacks is a security mechanism used to ensure the integrity and authenticity of a message between two systems.

This authentication logic will enables you to verify that the callback API call was originated by SensePass.

HMAC Verification steps:

  1. Extract "HMAC-Random-Key" header from the callback API request

  2. Concat the header from #1 to the request body

  3. Perform HMAC 256 calculation with the concatenated string and using your secret HMAC key

  4. Compare the result from #3 against the value of the request header "HMAC-Authorization"

Callbacks with GET method

By default all the callbacks are sent with JSON body and POST method, it is possible to choose GET method callback without request body.

Callback with GET method will be sent with TransactionNumber as query param.

URL: /transactions/init

Request Body for GET callbacks:

  "timeOut": 600,
  "amount": 200,
  "isCent": true,
  "currency": "USD",
  "deviceId": "2ooeww5ufzg3nkuf8a10gu5n695yolixlbgb042o03to9bxfkr7t815i5epu8o58jv1rznif3o1tr6xsb1rm",
  "callbackURL": "",
  "callbackMethod": "GET"

This API call will be sent to this URL:

Last updated